The plume of Montezuma could return to Mexico 
A hit is believed to belong to the last Aztec emperor of Austria could temporarily returnto Mexico after the Mexican Senate made a legal change.
It is assumed that the plume was a gift of Montezuma to the Spanish conquistadorHernan Cortes in the sixteenth century.
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It is made of quetzal feathers and other birds, mounted on a base of gold set withprecious stones.
Mexico generally considered the pre-Conquest relics as national property and, if returned, must remain in the country.
But, following the new rule change, the headdress may be returned in a long-term loan to the museum in Vienna, where he is currently on display.
The amendments adopted by the Senate would allow temporary borrowing, while recognizing property rights in Austria.
fragile feathers
It is believed that Cortes sent the relic to King Charles I of Spain. It is unclear how he ended up in Austria, although the king was a member of the Habsburg family, from that country.
There are details of the loan must still be resolved, such as how you are protectedduring transport touched the fragile, measuring over a meter wide.
For many years Mexico has tried to recover the plume and, at any given time, presented the request to the United Nations.
Some experts say the Austrian crown feathers belonged to Moctezuma, but it was a motif used by the priests, while recognizing the importance of the plume in Mexican culture.
A hit is believed to belong to the last Aztec emperor of Austria could temporarily returnto Mexico after the Mexican Senate made a legal change.
It is assumed that the plume was a gift of Montezuma to the Spanish conquistadorHernan Cortes in the sixteenth century.
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It is made of quetzal feathers and other birds, mounted on a base of gold set withprecious stones.
Mexico generally considered the pre-Conquest relics as national property and, if returned, must remain in the country.
But, following the new rule change, the headdress may be returned in a long-term loan to the museum in Vienna, where he is currently on display.
The amendments adopted by the Senate would allow temporary borrowing, while recognizing property rights in Austria.
fragile feathers
It is believed that Cortes sent the relic to King Charles I of Spain. It is unclear how he ended up in Austria, although the king was a member of the Habsburg family, from that country.
There are details of the loan must still be resolved, such as how you are protectedduring transport touched the fragile, measuring over a meter wide.
For many years Mexico has tried to recover the plume and, at any given time, presented the request to the United Nations.
Some experts say the Austrian crown feathers belonged to Moctezuma, but it was a motif used by the priests, while recognizing the importance of the plume in Mexican culture.