Pedro Curuchet lives in a shelter of Tierra del Fuego Southest place in America, has more than 70 dogs, how he learned the art of being a "musher
With snow still stuck in his beard and weathered face polar wind, the man dropped the sled to the aid of one of his dogs who complained with a deep howl. A mound of snow that hid a well played a trick on the animal. The man came up, stroked it while trying to calm him. The dog leg twisted and the pain would not let him go. "It's a twist", he thought, "with a little heat and rest is passed, but you have to get to shelter." Without hesitation, the animal released the sled and held it up in his arms.In one motion he laid on the front of the sled with bags and luggage. The dog sat like a small ball between whining and barking. The man returned to stroke, covered with a tarp and returned to his command post in the sled. He looked at the sky, blue and cold. Guided the sled on the track of snow. Volume air and gave a shout: "Ambaii!" [Shouted]. The journey began again.
The scene may be a fragment of "White Fang" by Jack London in the nineteenth century Alaska but no. The man and his sleigh live in the southernmost lands inhabited by man. Tierra del Fuego. Ushuaia. Carvajal Valley. The Valley of Wolves, as you know. Man is the Cat Curuchet. A real musher. One skilled in the art of sled-dog, lead dog sledding in the snow. He learned this art-skill for many years in Alaska, he decided his life would be linked to these animals forever. Learned that his destination was the snow and the dogs from very young. Legend has it that Peter Curuchet family, his real name, drew eight years a landscape not unlike that today is his refuge. A cabin, a clear stream, dogs and snow, heavy snow.
"My mom says that since a kid I loved animals, especially dogs, but the truth is that I did not imagine the life that touched me. This life makes me happy," says La Nacion Jack walking in the kennels (small kennels where dogs live their) leading premium pet food.
He lives 19 kilometers from Ushuaia and Buenos Aires 3020. With 70 dogs and know the name of each"When I was twenty I came on a trip to Patagonia, finger ... and slowly I was coming. My dream was to take a boat to take me to Alaska, but I lost it ... and instead of turning north to keep trying their luck, I decided to stay here ... where at that time everything was done ... and so I stayed in Ushuaia ... thanks to this boat that I could never take ... ".
Curuchet born in Tandil and was always a restless spirit. Already in his early days on the island organizing trips nautical, diving into icy waters and even armed expeditions to explore the hills of the region. But the real change in your life was a gift that made him his wife: "Karut" his first dog Husky.
"That dog was the one who introduced me to all this ... pure love made dog and there I realized that my true calling was with them."

Being a musher is not easy. The "mushing" has been and is a form of transport is characterized Nordic use sled dogs and sleds to skis glide faster on snowy surfaces. The term comes from French and is the voice command to start the march: "marchés". Its meaning is associated with the action of "forward" or "go."Today the words used come from the English as "Hike!" or voice Lapp "Ambaii" meaning "we".
A lovely dogs in Patagonia. Photo: Martin JaureguiThe Art of Racing sled dogs is as old as humanity itself. Some long-standing Nordic paintings show men driving dog sled, reindeer and other draft animals. In many legends of the image region of the sled is an essential part of the story. Even the mythical Santa Claus, in its North, travels through the air driving a sled "almost heaven" pulled by a reindeer Rudolph led by the famous, that "reindeer-guide" red nose.Mushing is generally defined as a form of transportation in the snow no matter what animal pulls the sled or skate land in some cases. As sport is practiced in almost all latitudes where there is significant snowfall but its main development occurred in Northern Europe and North America. The origin of this practice is recognized in the Lapps who used this form of transportation since ancient times. Alaska is the world capital of the sport (it is, even the "state sport") and there he made the longest run of the discipline: Iditarod.
The dogs and the sled out of the competition were and still are used in household chores such as carrying wood or distribute milk in the most remote villages of the Arctic. While in recent years many dog sleds were replaced by "snowcats" or snowmobiles in some cases extreme temperatures and difficult access sites only allow the entry of sleds. This reality convinced many people in more remote areas will continue to use the sled-dog and safest means of transport to any weather condition.
Jack dreamed of having your own sled. In Argentina there are no such plants no one has been devoted to this field. Not surprisingly, the short duration of snow in the winter, the few cities with very prolonged snowfall and no use of sleds in the country is not possible to develop an industry dedicated to that market. So he had to learn to make your own car, skates and everything necessary to arm a real sled-dog. At the same time had to learn to raise and teach the first copies the art of mushing.
"At first I did not understand anything - say - it was all uphill. I knew things in the field, I came from Tandil, skill ... until I was able to tame horses, but this was very difficult, but I could not put running a single strip of dogs ... it was a disaster!. was there that I said I have to anger ¨ ¨ Alaska "and I did. Were rare holiday, I had to convince my wife and finally went and learned everything there. "
Learned to build sleds, design harnesses for dogs, to operate a strip and eventually become a musher. When he returned to Tierra del Fuego began its activities more and more success. Even that trip was the meeting between him and "Eco", the polar wolf who accompanied him for a long time.
"Eco, a polar wolf, can you imagine that beautiful animal? Today is the spirit of the Valley, is the leader of the pack bigger than you can imagine. Sounds its howl, the howl of Eco and so was born the legend."
And he began, without noticing that, a legend that the whole valley Carvajal says.The Legend of Jack who loves dogs. The Cat in the sleigh.
As if it were a football team, every dog has a position and a specific function in the shot of the sled. The dogs are named according to their place and that information is of vital importance for the musher. The driver's ability is to allow the animal to fulfill its role as best as possible. So the connection between animals and the driver is almost mystical.
The truth is that I did not imagine the life that touched me. This life makes me happyEach group shot has a guide dog or the dog lead, which is the one who goes ahead and leads the group through the path he follows. The sled can have a dog or two leaders. Sometimes, in difficult situations, the musher releases the leader for this search footprint and can move on. It is the only dog that enjoys the privilege. Behind the leaders are located points swing dogs or dogs, are setting the pace of the march, the curves and slopes or downs. Next came the team dogs are the ones that give strength to all the training, there are generally stronger dogs and finally, attached to the sled and the musher are the wheel dogs, those dogs more calm and better temperament that help drive the sled with more precision in those difficult curves or dangerous situations. They are the guardians of the sled.
The entire assembly operates synchronously as a single piece. Orders that are strong given the musher and dog team to respond immediately and with a series of accompanying start barking. Man and animal together in a single and harmonious movement. An activity that still retains the mystery of this primitive union was born thousands of years.
To Curuchet, the real challenge was to run Iditarod. And he did. With support from the province of Tierra del Fuego, Jack was able to participate in the biggest race of the sport of sled dogs. It was the first South American to run it. He traveled for 14 days in Alaska, 1800 miles with the best teams and mushers in the world. He was recognized for its supportive aspect (other competitor on him in full competition) and when his sled was spent or part seemed to collapse, Puss and perseverance we managed wire, returning to the track immediately.
"It's that ability that I developed from having to make my own things gave me a lot of experience under my things and go. You imagine if I have to wait to send me the parts I could not do anything, so I do everything, even my hut here in the valley ... or the kennels ... everything I do. " Such participation in Iditarod Cat managed to be recognized as one of Ushuaia over the world where we practice sled dogs. That's when the name became synonymous Cat sleds in the world's southernmost.
The shelter where he lives in Tierra del Fuego Curuchet. Photo: Martin JaureguiThese days, Curuchet devotes much of his time to care for and maintain their "hut-refuge Wind" or "Akeaata" Carvajal in the Valley, 19 kilometers from Ushuaia and 3020 kms. of Buenos Aires. With 70 dogs and know the name of each of them.Many visitors to feel the same emotion that led this man to devote his life to the dogs."You want to feel the cold wind in the face, the snow on the feet and pulling the sled dogs?, Will you be musher for a few hours? And good, the more contact we have with the animals we become better people," says smiling as a sled weapon to hit the snow in the valley. The cat is happy leading many who come to the shelter looking for that special contact that exists between dog and man. In fact, many people have come from around the country with her dog's ashes to scatter in a place where they believe they have better eternity. Drop in the valley and to join the pack of dogs in the sky. A mystique that accompanies Jack Curuchet from its earliest days.
The afternoon is spilling over the edge of the hills surrounding the valley Carvajal.Deep in a canyon sharp howl is heard and felt. Resounds like an echo in the rocky walls and digs into the snow surrounding landscape. Curuchet Jack up the sled stops and listens. The howl sounds again stronger. Jack smiles and thinks "Karut: I follow your trail, I know you're there, guarding our land. Karut Farewell, and we will."In the air blows his order "Ambaii" and the group of dogs starts moving again. Jack returns to the shelter knowing that the spirit of the valleys will accompany him until his last days. And that makes him happy. Forever.
With snow still stuck in his beard and weathered face polar wind, the man dropped the sled to the aid of one of his dogs who complained with a deep howl. A mound of snow that hid a well played a trick on the animal. The man came up, stroked it while trying to calm him. The dog leg twisted and the pain would not let him go. "It's a twist", he thought, "with a little heat and rest is passed, but you have to get to shelter." Without hesitation, the animal released the sled and held it up in his arms.In one motion he laid on the front of the sled with bags and luggage. The dog sat like a small ball between whining and barking. The man returned to stroke, covered with a tarp and returned to his command post in the sled. He looked at the sky, blue and cold. Guided the sled on the track of snow. Volume air and gave a shout: "Ambaii!" [Shouted]. The journey began again.
The scene may be a fragment of "White Fang" by Jack London in the nineteenth century Alaska but no. The man and his sleigh live in the southernmost lands inhabited by man. Tierra del Fuego. Ushuaia. Carvajal Valley. The Valley of Wolves, as you know. Man is the Cat Curuchet. A real musher. One skilled in the art of sled-dog, lead dog sledding in the snow. He learned this art-skill for many years in Alaska, he decided his life would be linked to these animals forever. Learned that his destination was the snow and the dogs from very young. Legend has it that Peter Curuchet family, his real name, drew eight years a landscape not unlike that today is his refuge. A cabin, a clear stream, dogs and snow, heavy snow.
"My mom says that since a kid I loved animals, especially dogs, but the truth is that I did not imagine the life that touched me. This life makes me happy," says La Nacion Jack walking in the kennels (small kennels where dogs live their) leading premium pet food.
He lives 19 kilometers from Ushuaia and Buenos Aires 3020. With 70 dogs and know the name of each"When I was twenty I came on a trip to Patagonia, finger ... and slowly I was coming. My dream was to take a boat to take me to Alaska, but I lost it ... and instead of turning north to keep trying their luck, I decided to stay here ... where at that time everything was done ... and so I stayed in Ushuaia ... thanks to this boat that I could never take ... ".
Curuchet born in Tandil and was always a restless spirit. Already in his early days on the island organizing trips nautical, diving into icy waters and even armed expeditions to explore the hills of the region. But the real change in your life was a gift that made him his wife: "Karut" his first dog Husky.
"That dog was the one who introduced me to all this ... pure love made dog and there I realized that my true calling was with them."
Being a musher is not easy. The "mushing" has been and is a form of transport is characterized Nordic use sled dogs and sleds to skis glide faster on snowy surfaces. The term comes from French and is the voice command to start the march: "marchés". Its meaning is associated with the action of "forward" or "go."Today the words used come from the English as "Hike!" or voice Lapp "Ambaii" meaning "we".
A lovely dogs in Patagonia. Photo: Martin JaureguiThe Art of Racing sled dogs is as old as humanity itself. Some long-standing Nordic paintings show men driving dog sled, reindeer and other draft animals. In many legends of the image region of the sled is an essential part of the story. Even the mythical Santa Claus, in its North, travels through the air driving a sled "almost heaven" pulled by a reindeer Rudolph led by the famous, that "reindeer-guide" red nose.Mushing is generally defined as a form of transportation in the snow no matter what animal pulls the sled or skate land in some cases. As sport is practiced in almost all latitudes where there is significant snowfall but its main development occurred in Northern Europe and North America. The origin of this practice is recognized in the Lapps who used this form of transportation since ancient times. Alaska is the world capital of the sport (it is, even the "state sport") and there he made the longest run of the discipline: Iditarod.
The dogs and the sled out of the competition were and still are used in household chores such as carrying wood or distribute milk in the most remote villages of the Arctic. While in recent years many dog sleds were replaced by "snowcats" or snowmobiles in some cases extreme temperatures and difficult access sites only allow the entry of sleds. This reality convinced many people in more remote areas will continue to use the sled-dog and safest means of transport to any weather condition.
Jack dreamed of having your own sled. In Argentina there are no such plants no one has been devoted to this field. Not surprisingly, the short duration of snow in the winter, the few cities with very prolonged snowfall and no use of sleds in the country is not possible to develop an industry dedicated to that market. So he had to learn to make your own car, skates and everything necessary to arm a real sled-dog. At the same time had to learn to raise and teach the first copies the art of mushing.
"At first I did not understand anything - say - it was all uphill. I knew things in the field, I came from Tandil, skill ... until I was able to tame horses, but this was very difficult, but I could not put running a single strip of dogs ... it was a disaster!. was there that I said I have to anger ¨ ¨ Alaska "and I did. Were rare holiday, I had to convince my wife and finally went and learned everything there. "
Learned to build sleds, design harnesses for dogs, to operate a strip and eventually become a musher. When he returned to Tierra del Fuego began its activities more and more success. Even that trip was the meeting between him and "Eco", the polar wolf who accompanied him for a long time.
"Eco, a polar wolf, can you imagine that beautiful animal? Today is the spirit of the Valley, is the leader of the pack bigger than you can imagine. Sounds its howl, the howl of Eco and so was born the legend."
And he began, without noticing that, a legend that the whole valley Carvajal says.The Legend of Jack who loves dogs. The Cat in the sleigh.
As if it were a football team, every dog has a position and a specific function in the shot of the sled. The dogs are named according to their place and that information is of vital importance for the musher. The driver's ability is to allow the animal to fulfill its role as best as possible. So the connection between animals and the driver is almost mystical.
The truth is that I did not imagine the life that touched me. This life makes me happyEach group shot has a guide dog or the dog lead, which is the one who goes ahead and leads the group through the path he follows. The sled can have a dog or two leaders. Sometimes, in difficult situations, the musher releases the leader for this search footprint and can move on. It is the only dog that enjoys the privilege. Behind the leaders are located points swing dogs or dogs, are setting the pace of the march, the curves and slopes or downs. Next came the team dogs are the ones that give strength to all the training, there are generally stronger dogs and finally, attached to the sled and the musher are the wheel dogs, those dogs more calm and better temperament that help drive the sled with more precision in those difficult curves or dangerous situations. They are the guardians of the sled.
The entire assembly operates synchronously as a single piece. Orders that are strong given the musher and dog team to respond immediately and with a series of accompanying start barking. Man and animal together in a single and harmonious movement. An activity that still retains the mystery of this primitive union was born thousands of years.
To Curuchet, the real challenge was to run Iditarod. And he did. With support from the province of Tierra del Fuego, Jack was able to participate in the biggest race of the sport of sled dogs. It was the first South American to run it. He traveled for 14 days in Alaska, 1800 miles with the best teams and mushers in the world. He was recognized for its supportive aspect (other competitor on him in full competition) and when his sled was spent or part seemed to collapse, Puss and perseverance we managed wire, returning to the track immediately.
"It's that ability that I developed from having to make my own things gave me a lot of experience under my things and go. You imagine if I have to wait to send me the parts I could not do anything, so I do everything, even my hut here in the valley ... or the kennels ... everything I do. " Such participation in Iditarod Cat managed to be recognized as one of Ushuaia over the world where we practice sled dogs. That's when the name became synonymous Cat sleds in the world's southernmost.
The shelter where he lives in Tierra del Fuego Curuchet. Photo: Martin JaureguiThese days, Curuchet devotes much of his time to care for and maintain their "hut-refuge Wind" or "Akeaata" Carvajal in the Valley, 19 kilometers from Ushuaia and 3020 kms. of Buenos Aires. With 70 dogs and know the name of each of them.Many visitors to feel the same emotion that led this man to devote his life to the dogs."You want to feel the cold wind in the face, the snow on the feet and pulling the sled dogs?, Will you be musher for a few hours? And good, the more contact we have with the animals we become better people," says smiling as a sled weapon to hit the snow in the valley. The cat is happy leading many who come to the shelter looking for that special contact that exists between dog and man. In fact, many people have come from around the country with her dog's ashes to scatter in a place where they believe they have better eternity. Drop in the valley and to join the pack of dogs in the sky. A mystique that accompanies Jack Curuchet from its earliest days.
The afternoon is spilling over the edge of the hills surrounding the valley Carvajal.Deep in a canyon sharp howl is heard and felt. Resounds like an echo in the rocky walls and digs into the snow surrounding landscape. Curuchet Jack up the sled stops and listens. The howl sounds again stronger. Jack smiles and thinks "Karut: I follow your trail, I know you're there, guarding our land. Karut Farewell, and we will."In the air blows his order "Ambaii" and the group of dogs starts moving again. Jack returns to the shelter knowing that the spirit of the valleys will accompany him until his last days. And that makes him happy. Forever.
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