sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Mexican women will not have nine children: she is not even pregnant

The announcement caused surprise in the world. But the Health Ministry of Coahuila denied that Karla Vanessa Perez will have nonillizos. Nor is the mother of triplets

"Not pregnant, were made related studies and found that no pregnancy," said Jorge Luna, spokesman for the State Health Secretariat where the woman lives.
The head of the ministry, Cristina Berta Muñoz Castellanos, said he made "a series of studies, within which is an ultrasound (...) both abdominal and transvaginal, and its result is an empty uterus, no gestational sac there. "
"Being a high risk pregnancy in a protocol, the health system captures and we give the task today of making a review (...) The patient is under surveillance, are seeing their general , which are suitable, is stable, "said Castellanos Munoz.
Perez told authorities that a private doctor who was told last January when he allegedly was four months pregnant, I would have nine babies and that he had scheduled a Caesarean section on 20 May.
Moon noted that the aforementioned seek professional but has a strong suspicion that there is not, after discovering that 32 year old woman and her husband, Juan Bernardo Morales, also have triplets, as stated by her. "He has three children but have 4, 12 and 15 years," continued Luna.
Meanwhile, Karla Perez's mother went to the Mexican press to say that these children were left in charge abandonadosy almost from birth.
Perez had said that he never resorted to assisted reproduction, which often results in multiple births. Dr. Julio de la Jara, Deputy Director of Research of Reproduction, National Institute of Perinatology, said he had been the first case it is known. However, it was all deception.

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