jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Revolutionary video in Mexico! armed kids and a sad future!

This Video was and is on everyone's lips since the day of his appearance on April 10 this year, more than  2 million visits This video shows Mexico in 4:00 minutes which is not going to give in any advertising block within the country due to the duration. 

Mexico is experiencing a strong argument on behalf of a video. It is "Childrenuncomfortable" viral short film funded by an insurance company in which child actors ask the presidential candidates to stop the violence, insecurity and corruption.
The controversial video is not so much by the action message to the contestants in the elections, but by the use of children between 8 and 12 years in scenes that areassaulting other children with guns, cops stealing wallets and very young drugpresented to the media, like any boss in real life.

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